Enabling or disabling an Acceptable Use Policy

An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) must be enabled for it to be displayed to users according to its display frequency. When you create an AUP, it is enabled by default. An enabled AUP is displayed with the Picture of the Acceptable Use Policies icon icon.

When you no longer require an AUP to be displayed but want to keep it for future use, you can disable it rather than deleting it. A disabled AUP is displayed with the Picture of the disabled Acceptable Use Policy icon icon.

To enable or disable an AUP

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Acceptable Use Policies icon Acceptable Use Policies.

  2. In the left-hand pane, right-click the AUP you want to manage and from the menu, choose Enable or Disable, as appropriate. The icon next to the AUP changes.


  • An AUP only needs to be enabled if it has previously been disabled. When an AUP is created, it is enabled by default.

  • When you change an AUP to enabled, the AUP will not be displayed to any of the members of its associated groups until each user next logs on.

  • You can also enable or disable a selected AUP by ticking or clearing the 'Enable policy' box in the right-hand pane. Alternatively, from the Tasks menu choose Acceptable Use Policy, and then choose Enable or Disable, as appropriate.

Related Topics

Change how often an Acceptable Use Policy must be displayed
Change group associations for an Acceptable Use Policy

Create an Acceptable Use Policy

Import the content of an Acceptable Use Policy